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Something on the side-burner now! And a slight change of pace; this character isn't a Paeran, though she now calls Paeratopa her home and has embraced the role of pred.

I'm still working out plenty of details, fleshing her out from a rough origin as an RP side-character and into a more full-fledged character all her own. She's a wealthy businesswoman; starting off in Paeratopa just like everyone else, but swiftly taking advantage of her business sense and sheer strength of presence to make a name for herself and become one of the most powerful non-Paerans in this strange world.

Now, she of course continues with her business ventures, but with the added luxury of... well, luxury. Not the least of which is the ability to pursue a particular interest of hers; she would never eat someone against their will, no no. But one might be surprised to learn just how low a price some others can be convinced to place upon their own free agency. A month's pay all in one payment, and all that needs be done in return is let her savor you for the night? But perhaps only a week's pay will be enough. Or even less. After all, your role in all of this is so very, very small...




Hi, are you doing commissions?


Not juuust yet, but I think I should be able to tentatively re-open very soon! I need to check in with a pending client first, but providing nothing gets in the way and I remember to do so, I'll try to make a post in this next month.