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So slow again! I'm not sure how I keep letting this happen to me, I'm real sorry about that. ^^;

I'm very close to finishing multiple pictures, at least! "casual Momiji", "Kuchi maw", and I forget what I'd called the Teena PoV maw but that one as well. All three have been rendered and are already partway through postwork; normally a quicker process, but all three have their own little challenges, so there's a bit of slowness from that. I think I'm getting it all working, though.


First and foremost, I'd like to finish up at least a couple of those nearly-finished projects. But with those done, I'm planning to move forward with re-opening commissions; on a limited basis just to start with, but something to get the gears turning again and get back into the swing of things. I could use the income, and a little more work of the sort might help push past the slump I've been dipping in and out of lately.

I'll make a fresh post when I'm ready to start thinking about what to take on! I'll likely be starting fresh, there's too many past commission requests I let pile up and sifting through them all is a bit much. But if you'd already sent me a commission idea and you still want it done, watch for my post later and please definitely do ask me again about it. ^^


Sort of in the same subject - of using more income - I'm aiming for some PC upgrades sometime soon, as my renders have been getting bigger and as a result, a lot slower! My current rig is not a slouch - 6 cores at 2.8GHz - but that's a pretty old processor at this point, and with where the market is now, less than $1,000 USD can get me upwards of 12 cores in a processor and plenty more to go with it.

At the moment I'm mostly waiting for AMD's new Ryzen chips to release, or at least to get a better idea of what the price-to-performance is going to be on those. I'm seriously considering building on the Threadripper platform for even more power, but it really depends on how affordable that ends up being; the 1920x, for example, is a 12-core, 24-thread, 3.5GHz processor for "only" $425 right now due to sale pricing, just with the caveat that motherboards for it are a lot pricier than what you can get for, say, the Ryzen 2700x which is still a very impressive 8-core, 16-thread, 3.7GHz of power for about half the total price.

Dunno how many of you are PC hardware nerds, so that might just be a jumble of numbers to some of you. But the gist is that, given that I don't need to upgrade my whole computer, I could be in it for something like $600-1200 and take my already respectable work PC and more than double the rendering performance out of it. I used to pick parts based on how well it could do work and gaming, but the fact now is that I just don't play a lot of bigger games anymore, and what I have already handles those perfectly fine so I'm really not worried about performance there. I'll invest into something that'll power through my work projects, and know that if I want to play games now and again, it'll do more than fine.

That's not so much of a March update as it is a 2019 update, since it might be months before I actually go out buying stuff for this. But it's relevant to why I'm hoping to pick up commissions again, and something to maybe look forward to. There's scenes and characters I've had technical issues with in the past, and a stronger computer might simply be able to brute-force make those happen.


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