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A quick followup on the previous character post, this is Zoey, another remake and the other once-named-Alice character mentioned in yesterday's post. And with this, the pair is completed!

Zoey is a paeran succubus, with a bit of chiiname mixed in there (evidenced by her especially lengthy tongue). As mentioned previously, she's quite close with Alice, the two of them making quite the pair; unlike the likes of Vela and Issa who combine their powers for the purposes of keeping Paeratopa safe, Alice and Zoey come together simply for indulgence, sharing treats and other such things. While Alice is a more subtly teasing sort, Zoey is more bold and playful, and the two of them together are quite the force to be reckoned with!

Oh, and she's also not a fan of pants or skirts, as you can see. :) Gets in the way of her tail, or at least that is the most common excuse she might use.

Zoey is another one I'll need to flesh out more over time, but I hope to have some fun with her and Alice in the future! No render ideas just yet, but I've no doubts they'll come. Two long-tongued predators who share a living space and enjoy sharing their treats, surely a treasure trove of fun scenarios to work on. :D




What a pair they'll make! I can't wait to see what kinds of shenanigans they'll get up to