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Running a little late on this one! I've been going slow for most of the year, honestly (pretty sure I've already said as much). But there's some bigger updates to share now as well, and I'm hoping to end the year on a high note.

Has it really been a whole year, already? Not gonna miss this one, to be honest.


First things first! I've briefly mentioned this on Twitter and in Discord, but I recently took from my saved up funds and went out and bought an iPad Pro + pencil, for art purposes. It's taking a lot of getting used to (first time using/owning an Apple device, and gotta say, iOS is a huge pain to work with, haha), but I've been slowly practicing and doodling with it! And in contrast with my iOS woes, Procreate has been an absolute joy of an app to draw in. Not a problem in sight.

My doodle experiments have mostly been mawshots so far - it's my most comfortable drawing subject - but I'm hoping this will be a help in opening myself to a wider variety of work styles. 3D is and will still be my "main" medium, but there are a lot of things I simply can't manage in 3D, things that would be a cakewalk if only I was more practiced in drawing. So do look forward to seeing some doodles and drawings and maybe even paintings start mixing-in. Paeratopa landscapes are something I've always wanted to explore!


Back to the subject of 3D work, I'm stalled out on a few projects at the moment, but looking to kick that back into gear with the next opportunity I can. The holidays are getting underway already, and I'd like to finish at least something small, something simple. A few initial ideas have gotten a bit too complex, but I think I have some fresh plans that will work a bit better, and if all else fails, candy canes and licking is a tried-and-true choice for a scene. ^^


I'll have to write another post to wrap up the year, but I want to take the moment now to just thank everyone who's supported me throughout, who's stuck with things even though I've been slow and even skipped some months! I'm trying to put out at least one picture a month, but it's been a strange challenge and I haven't kept up with it how I'd like. Heck, I'd hoped to be doing pictures 3-4 per month, and I'm nowhere near to that.

I have high hopes as I move forward, though. The world has been getting tougher to navigate, and that just makes me all the more determined to make things work, and as a content creator, to provide enjoyment where I can. I'm not meeting my own standards right now, but I hope I am at the least still providing something of value to you all.


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