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Hello everyone! Hope all is going well.

There's not a whole lot to cover here at the moment; the main things I'd planned to cover here are post frequency and current projects, which for the most part hasn't changed much since the July update. I'll skim over what's changed since then however, and any new stuff after that.


First off, post frequency. No changes here, just a note that I realize I've not done all too well on my aims of increasing activity here. I'm starting to try some new tactics however (using this fancy thing called a "calendar" to keep track of when I've not posted in a while), so hopefully that will help!

There's not much change in pending projects either, a bunch have remained a bit stuck. Mostly it's been character updates making progress - by the way, I still intend to write a post explaining a bit more on that whole process - but beyond that, I've just added a project or two, such as the Lissa piece I've posted a WIP of and some possible character designs. For the most part, I'm trying to put more focus on wrapping up existing projects to clear my plate.


On to new stuff! I posted recently a piece I've made for a fashion collaboration, and that has indeed been the culprit behind... well, only a portion of my slowdown, but it did contribute. I have one more new piece in the works for that collab as well, which you can look forward to seeing some WIPs of in the very near future. Once that's done, that should be it for the collab, so it'll be back to normal work again.

I think that about covers it. Aside from the currently active projects, there's a few much older things I'd like to get around to, some giftart pieces I've wanted to do for a long while, that sort of thing. I'd also like to get back into commissions again soon; not just for the income (which I do very much need), but also just the influx of new ideas to work on, and the motivation that comes with having been paid for a project and needing to get it done in a timely manner. I'll be posting any commission openings here first, though it may not be for another few months still.

Oh, and despite summer being my favorite season... I'm very much done with this stifling heat for months on end. Hopefully you're all having better luck with weather this year!


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