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After quite some time of brainstorming Lissa-related ideas, it's a simple one that's solidified as a first project. ^^ Showing off and enjoying a donut! With possibly some little bonus details to come and a lot of finishing, this is still just one night of progress on the scene.


I'd like to throw in a mini-update here as well. I've been having a rough time lately, struggling with some personal issues and a lack of energy and motivation that's made it even more difficult than usual to make progress on anything creative. It sucks, I hate this feeling of being debilitated. I'm doing as best I can to continue posting progress here - tonight was a rare bit of energy for me - but I have to be honest, it's going to be slow for a while longer still, until I can figure out how to deal with things properly.

I'll try to post a more solid update later, as well as some of the posts I've had planned but never finished. My goal for now is just to have something done before the month is over, so we'll see how that goes! Thank you everyone who's kept patient thus far, it means a lot. <3



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