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Title kinda says it, but apologies for the lack of activity at the end of the month there. Long story short, hung around a bonfire a little too close and inhaled too much smoke, and brought myself down with a cold for this past... about a week, now? I've lost track of time.

Anyway! Been a bit of a miserable patch but I'm on the upswing now, and I'll be aiming to start catching up on things ASAP. Birthday picture (on my own time), Teena PoV postwork, and whatever else is in the works or on the way that I can't quite think of at the moment. Head's still a little fuzzy.

Oh, there is also an updated set of Chelsea renders, which honestly isn't a dramatic update but it's still higher resolution than her old pictures and all that. I'd planned to post that one before, well, the above happened; you can expect to see that go up probably tomorrow!



Shit, hope you feel better soon! Stay safe : (


Got a wicked headache and still blowing my nose, but the cold itself seems to have passed! I'm starting to catch up now, and thank you. ^^


Glad to hear! Stay away from dairy products if you can, spicy food can help out with your sinus too :)