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A few updates to follow up on the last update!

First out of the gate... I've been continuing to have ups and downs with sleep schedule, which has been an issue for me for a long time now. At the moment it's going good! It can flip around in the span of a few days sometimes, but currently I'm loosely following a sunrise-sunset schedule, which is hugely helpful for me. Super-early mornings are generally my most productive times, it's quiet and calm and I'm still a little sleepy so it's easier to avoid overthinking. Fingers crossed this lasts for a while.


Something I forgot to mention in the last update is the Tharja crowdfunded drawing. I'm still stuck on it, but new plan is to kinda-sorta... start over. I got bogged down in details that I didn't need to focus on in the first place, and I have some more comfortable brush settings I should have used from the start, so I'm just going to start over with that. Hopefully in a few days I'll have forward progress to show there.


Another update: character updating! With recent upgrades in my models, plus the also-recent PC move, I'm trying to go back and update all of my characters to bring them into the current "generation".

This one is Molly, a character I don't think I've put into a scene yet! No plans for one yet either, but I wanted to get her up-to-date anyway.

As an addition, I think I'd like to try asking for more feedback and ideas as I'm working on some of these characters, and I'd like to be more interactive in my Patreon Discord in general. If you haven't already, consider dropping in! It's patrons-only at the moment, but I'll consider making it public a little later on, with a separate channel for patrons to hang out in.


Other projects... Teena and Momiji are scooting forward, I'll keep their updates in their own posts. There's no other major projects to note - just smaller things on numerous back-burners - with possible exception...

Something very different from my usual! Or rather, from the usual I usually show.

This is actually a bit of concept work I did years ago, for a sci-fi world I was building. Paeratopa won out in the battle for my attention, but recently it's been on my mind more; a change of pace, some inspiration after seeing a trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. I'd originally planned to make a full 3D model of this car, but never got further than the sketches.

A side-side-project for sure, just a little something I might fiddle with during free time. But I'm curious if anyone here might be interested in seeing the occasional non-fetish, non-fantasy stuff! Should I post it here every now and then? Keep it on Twitter or the like? I've become less concerned with keeping all my content sorted under appropriate names - I'm just to invested now in Saftkeur/Nonkeur to go making new ones - so the only question is whether or not anyone else is interested in seeing these things. ^^