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Finished at last! I had some struggles with this one, agonizing over a few small details that probably weren't very important... but I think I'm happy with it now. ^^ In any case, I can't let myself work on it any more, I want to go to bed!

 High-res version is available in a separate post for anyone pledging $5 and up! Be sure to grab that one if you have access. 

So, here we are! A scene of Janie, enjoying her favorite way of passing the time... pouring over a new book she was lucky enough to find, and slurping on a shrunken treat she also picked up for herself, yum.

I think I'd like to write a mini-story to go with this one actually, to set the tone and provide some context for this scene... Janie doesn't usually pay much mind to her treats' protests or bargaining, but there is one way to avoid being eaten straight away: agreeing to help when Janie finds herself stuck on whatever subject is in her latest book ^^ (though she still prefers to eat them afterwards anyway, but it's a bit more bargaining power if you're helpful enough)

It'd be a real short story, just a snippet from the scene basically and with an open ending, so people could imagine for themselves if the prey gets eaten or not. Only thing is, I'd need a name for the tiny girl getting licked here, so fire away with any suggestions!



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