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Everything all in one place! Minus some of the random Lego photos interspersed with these renders and all that.

For those who want to see everything from their original posts, here's a handy link to an advanced search for all of those... https://twitter.com/search?f=live&q=(from%3Asaftkeur)%20until%3A2024-04-05%20since%3A2024-03-30&src=typed_query

Technically everything was already posted in full resolution, but I have no idea what Twitter's compression is like on these. So consider this an extra bonus for everyone; all of the images are rendered in the same default 4k(?) size that my phone takes photos in ^^

As an extra extra bonus, I'll also be aiming to post a nice behind the scenes on these later, since it's a more involved technique than my usual due to the photos being involved! I got it more or less figured out this year to make it as simple as possible, but it's still pretty complex (and I'm quite proud of it). Not quite as far as 3D tracking and stuff like you'd use for VFX in movies, but a similar concept.
Expect that in... probably not for a couple of days at least, since I have some other IRL job things to take care of, but we'll see where I find the time for it!



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