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Version 1.0.8 has been updated.

Please check your private messages!

While doing this update,

I felt that there were a lot of areas that needed improvement.

In the next update, significant changes will be made to item performance and game progression.

The next update will be between the end of this month and early December.


1.0.8b Bug fix ver 

- Changed to gain favorability and excitement through touch
- Fixed bug where cowgirl h scene did not proceed
- Item and skill bonus modifications
- Modified to clear censorship in options



까만색 김이 붙어있다니! 으에엥!


Found a really game breaking bug with the version, even after the bug fix. Priests in the Fortress City like Amber soft locks you if you allow them through. Instead of 2 line she sais a 3rd one in what I guess is korean, and doesn't want to proceed further. I am using the 1.0.8b version in english on Android. Amber isn't the only chacarter as the blond girl in long white dress also does this (donno her name). Could you fix this please? Thank you and keep up the good work!!! Edit: the other girl is Jane who is both soft locks the game if you let her through or deny her.

Bonk Bundle

Would like to get my copy if possible :)


I can't install the apk


Would love my copy thanks :)


I just recently joined, I would also love my copy of the game please,


Hey, I'm new here. Can I get a copy of the game please?

Cali Warren

Can i get a copy also !