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Ohh no, the celebration is over because of your choice. Or lack of it, who knows.

Oh well.

Hiiiii, another day, another slay.

I was just trying to get back on my feet, working on the pending FLYING ports, and then I thought of the funniest idea.

¿Why don't I use your simping against you?

And here we are, I'm a genius AHAHAHAHAHA

Anyways, Celebration's over. Once again, thanks for your support and not leaving 🥺🥺🥺 I know things have been slow these past months, and I wish my burnout wasn't so strong, but I'll try my best to battle it. I will keep working on ports to release, and of course, let me know of any suggestions, bugs, etc. so I can solve any issues. I hope I don't dissapoint you, so please remember to actively interact with my posts and use all my ports, because they are premium and the best of the best -3-

Now, if you don't mind, I gotta go and work on another heavy model. Ah, work never ends. Oh well 😅😅😅

Have fun ;3




Thanks for your contributions. Although the models are in MMD, I still feel better using XNAlara, and your ports are the best-looking/working ones. I know you don't really enjoy working with Genshin/HSR ports, but I hope you know it's appreciated.

Rising Alyx

Thank you so much for your lovely words 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 These are my own rips tho. I don't work with MMD ports anymore due to the amount of data lost. So don't worry about it 😊😊😊