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Hi hi again, Alyx here 😉😉

As patrons supporting me on this project, I am interested to know how you feel about the exclusive ports so far 👀 Despite being covered in commissions right now, I want to know if you feel satisfied so far. Since this is mainly for you, I consider you must ask for the things you want. After all, there is money between us. And since we will we tweaking the tiers as we go, I'd like you to give me some feedback, suggestions and of course, please leave your requests. Since I will also be offering tutorials, I am interested to know what you wish to learn. I've been considering to record my porting process, from loading the model in blender to the release on DA or here. There are lots of things I can teach you, but to be honest I'd like to make them according to your interests, so you feel you are receiving what you paid for, assuming some of you may be interested on the $20 tier.

So yep, go crazy and tell me everything, from concerns, suggestions, requests, how things work, etc. etc.

Now, if you don't mind, I'll go and finish Framme while I wait for your precious feedback. Don't hold back, remember your satisfaction is priority! -3-

Ohhh and two last things:

1- Here is my discord, so we can talk more privately. Of course we can talk through messages if you wish too 😁

2- I'll be shortly updating the list of games I currently own just in case you may be interested. I have some new files like Genshin and Shining Nikki, and now Engage and Spirit Camera. I also have to update it in my commission post, that I will be sharing here too since patron commissions are special commissions 😊😊



As far as tutorials go I think I might need a bit to figure out what it is I actually want, since I mostly joined to support you since I do like your ports! But I suppose I should think about my exclusive port :p So far I like what I see here so far! Excited for what you have in store! ^^

Rising Alyx

Oh dear you must be new! 😱😱😱 ¡Welcome to my patreon! Since right now you are the only one with access to tutorials, I recommend you enjoy it as much as you want 😉😉 I can do an overview of the porting process or anything g you wish. I'll be sending you a message to explain the benefits in deptg too. Thank you so much for your support 🥺🥺🥺 I really hope I can live up to your support 😭😭😭😭


Hey i joined mainly for the engage models, tried porting myself but the .bundle files are annoying lol I'm happy as long as I see them tbh

Rising Alyx

¡Nice! I hope you stay for a good while 😁😁 As for AssetStudio, you need to set up the version to 2020.3.18fl. Good luck 😉