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UPDATE: Download removed. Please check the updated post to download this one.


Ah, finally

Jesus, recreating the eyes took ages.

I think I told you I got asked to do like ten of these, some even with alternate outfits. Thankfully the female shouldn't take that long considering the colors and materials are the same. I also have to check the other characters and how I'm going to approach the porting process.

Anyways, porting this cute boi I realized that I will need to update my babyboy, so I will be doing this now so I can release it on DA today or tomorrow 😭😭

Tomorrow I'll be starting on the female version or Framme, not sure. Since the first person that commissioned me won't be paying until February it will probably be the weird girl over the ugly one.

Anyways, hope you enjoy him, I did what I could to make him look nice and personally, I love it. You also have all the .PSD used to match the game look.

Well, at least 3ngage has better models than engage. As for story, well...

Oh by the way, no sword because I am too tired to start digging in the files again. We'll add them once they arrive with his owner. Not sure

Enjoy -3-



Witch Hunting

The work put into this and the female one is definitely apparent. Great stuff.