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Hiii everyone. I have a decent amount of models to release, but sadly I've been feeling a bit exhausted lately. I wonder if maybe I need a break, but I fear that I haven't been active enough here to have that benefit. Oh well.

Currently, I'm on my family's house because I came to visit them for the month. I can't say I'm very happy about it, but hey, it could have been worse. It could be cold and humid WAIT IT IS ACTUALLY COLD AND HUMID OH WOWIE

Anyways, back to the port.

I have actually ported Veldora a long time ago, but well... it's complicated to explain, so I won't 😁

I can't believe I actually ripped this entire game and spent hours and hours messing with the files so I could get them to work properly JUST TO WORK ON THIS CUTE BIG DRAGON WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME

You can throw suggestions for other characters if you wish 😊😊😊

So yep, I'm telling you from now: Prepare to see this dragon quite a lot because he'll be staying here for a good while YOU'LL GET SO TIRED OF HIS FACE AHAHAHA

Anyways, that's it. Please don't ignore him 🥹🥹 I'm feeling a bit mentally exhausted so please be patient with me. I promise I'll try to get better as soon as possible and that I'm always working on new ports 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Anyways, enjoy -3-



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