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Now the system already change to pay upfront, within this month might keep have new patrons join in to request for past term reward. My bill statement will keep updated with new patrons, while I can't always keep track on it. 

So we making this change. Instead of me ask you the past term you want based on the bill statement,  I like to ask everyone that already paid for your past term reward come message me with your pledge month and term you want to get. 

For everyone that forget to redeem it, after pass this month, I will message those person that forget to redeem. Example, like now in Feb, bill statement for Jan already complete and fixed and won't have any changed anymore. So I will check back the Jan statement and see who not yet redeem and remind them.



中文告知: 因为改动了付费系统。在整个月份里面都可能会有新会员加入来要取‘past term reward’ 。我没办法一直留意新加入的会员。所以我希望新加入知道自己能拿‘past term reward’的,可以私讯我你付钱的月份和要的旧期。

