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Lets talk about my future direction and the situation of pending reward.

- Our pending rewards have 39, 40, 48, and 51 to 56. T51 to 56 already done softcore set, just need to finish hardcore set. Meanwhile I focus on drawing 48 and 52, I think can consider as already reach 70%. This 2 set get high chance to be available on next month.

- Next month enter Feb, but the bill statement is write Jan. For this year, even I finish the pending reward, I might still won't reopen the image set package. Its because I have other plan that want to do.

- And so, for 7usd category, the Hunk Poster will keep it on. And I will add one more thing for this category, I will color those sketch I posted on patreon before. Without outline them, after colored it will post under the 7usd pledge too. Minimum colored 1 page per month. It suppose will forever stay in my patreon page, unless it get remove by PATREON robot?

- I might open commission after finish the pending reward. Before I gonna reject commission because need put time on patreon. So after finish those, should be able to accept commission already. We discuss the detail when the commission really open.

- Other reason I not reopen image set, is because I wish to get sometime to learn new skill and knowledge in drawing. And also, I actually quite like my coloring sketch style, if we can fulfill our 'desire' with this style, it can quicken my time in telling the story, so I think to give it a try.

That is so far what I can think of. Thank you.



- 目前还没做完的旧term有39,40,48。 然后51到56。51到56都已经完成了softcore set了,只要再画一组hardcore set的就好了。目前集中画着48和52,这两个应该能算完成到70%吧。我认为下个月这两期就能好了

- 下个月进入2月份,账单里就会写1月了。我今年就算完成了旧奖励,也不会那么快再开image set 大图包。因为有其他的事情想做。

- 所以7usd会保留是那个每月的猛男海报。然后呢,想再加上把以前po过在这的草稿,上色后也放在7usd里。预计每个月只少上色一张,不过不会线稿它而是直接草稿上色。这些是会po在patreon的7usd选项,除非被官方移除会一直保留在patreon的。

- 在完成了所有旧奖励后,我可能会开委托commission。之前因为要忙于应付patreon的旧奖励,没办法接各位的委托。详细的细节等真的开的时候才写出来吧。

- 不开image set 大图包也有因为我想去学习些新的绘画知识,所以得把时间空出来。算是进修吧。然后我最近越发觉得如果能只是草稿上色,也能满足到欲望了的话,那样子就能更快的把故事说完了,所以想试试看。我个人是蛮喜欢自己的草稿风啦。




sketch bonus still on 1usd pledge. Only after colored it will become on 7usd category. (草稿奖励还是在1usd,只是上色了过后就会放在7usd)


I actually already done coloring that Wargreymon, I will post that on next month. (我其实已经上色了那张战暴了,下个月就放上来吧)


Although I said minimum 1 colored sketch per month, but that is minimum, if I got more time I will coloring more. (虽然说只少一个月一张上色草稿,但也只是最低限而已,有时间的话我也是会上色多一些的。)




Oh! I got it! Go for it! Fulfill your desire!! ;)