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Lets random talk something about my patreon and drawing situation. hmmm....

1) Recently patreon have this new sales tax thing. It want me to choose the tiers I provide is fall under which benefit category. I not really understand how this work, so... we wait and see...

2) I plan to remove the 15usd tiers here. (The one said use to get Term37 only.) Just make Term37 also available to get using 10usd only. There is few same person pledge on 15 usd for few month, but I only have Term37 to give them. I told them to remember remove from 15usd after get Term37, but they still didn't do. Kinda concern is it them misunderstand something or just forget to log in patreon to check >w<

3) I'm simultaneously work on below drawing now.
-Term51 Bernheim, = Work on softcore set
-Term52 FGO Napoleon, = work on softcore set
-Term53 Suprboy = work on softcore set
-Term44 Romeboy, = I'm skip the 1st page, 2nd page ardy delivered. Now sketch on 3rd page and so on (start gangbang scene)
-Term45 slave19 sounding, = Now draw until the middle part of the story
-Term49 FGO Cuchulain = All drawing ardy done. Now is work on the dialog
-Term38 Frogman = continue in finalize drawing, ardy delivered some image set but not yet fully done.
-Commission work= Just 1 person's commission I need to finish. errrr, don't need to envy guys, because I am not accept this commission recently, but long time ago
-Slave03 drawing= This is more like to my own work. But I plan to give this as temporary reward for Term39 or Term40 before the real frogman series come out.
- 2 secret own artwork

4) Next month will be Term55, Roronoa Zoro (actual month June, but bill month is May)
Then next on Term56, Sol Badguy (actual month July, but bill month is June)
And after that, I might plan to go in the 'hibernate' mode again and stop the 7usd pledge. I will give the final confirmation on actual month July.



The $15 one has no reason to exist, especially since Term37 Pack is available on Gumroad.


It was 15usd in gumroad too. But yeah, I'm gonna make it to just 10usd now, like the usual past term


I was waiting for an update on Bernheim, I'll raise my pledge especially for him. I can't wait


any idea of a time frame for when any of these works will be done?


Ok, when you see I put a preview cover of Term51 Bernheim mean is time you can buy it as past term reward.


So far based on my workflow, I can only said Term49, Term51, Term38 and Term44 is those I wish to done soon. And my policy now is more on want the 7usd patrons can get any new update first even just 1 or 2 pages everytime I give update because they paid the early booking first. So the rest that want buy as 10usd have to wait when I fully done.