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how are you?

Regarding chapter 17, I would like to apologize for the delay, as last month had 28 days it ended up being difficult to make this month's chapter available at midnight as I have been doing lately.

Another important thing is that I needed to advance the plot, so that's why I ended up running out of sex scenes in this volume. From the next one onwards, things go back to normal, I hope you enjoyed the most dramatic part of the story and the revelations in this chapter.

Regarding what Violet did to Nina, I didn't do these scenes because it could have a problem with Patreon's guidelines, so I thought it would be better to leave it off screen, I hope you understand.

Thank you all Hypnosss



Amr Draz

The chapter is so fast paced I was confused, there’s an page (8 I think) that refused to load had to download the PDF for things to make sense


hi, thank you for telling me how you felt so I could improve my writing. For you to understand my process I will explain that I try to balance the story in general for all audiences, I know it was at a fast pace and that part of the public would like me to develop the events of this chapter more slowly but there is another part that wants more naughty scenes and I try to balance the story for these two audiences, as the last edition also didn't have sex so I didn't want to prolong things and leave next month's only with the development of the plot. Regarding the missing page, could you explain to me better what happened, whether it was when viewing online or when downloading the pngs