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YouTube has started slapping "QAnon" labels on YouTube videos talking about Trump now. My latest video on Trump's CPAC speech was hit with "QAnon" even though my video has NOTHING TO DO with them. I see this as an act of Defamation and hostility. I'm extremely upset. They've been unsubbing people from me and throttling my content as well. Are there any class action lawsuits out there right now? I'm fucking sick of being treated his badly.



Yup, on seeing your message I realized I hadn't seen your material for a few days. I looked at my subscriptions and, sure enough,… unsubscribed. This is the first time this is happened to me.


Everything is getting worse, they've been unsubbing people in mass numbers, filing false strikes, and hitting content with the wrong labels.


You probably should get in touch with steven crowder's lawyer Bill (I think its) Richmond. He deals with YouTube on the daily. He helped TheQuartering not that long ago. Hope this helps


What they are doing is Just Wrong. I'm so sorry. We're here for you!

Blue Lick

Straight up slandering. It’s a tactic used for ever now. They just slap labels on any descending opinions. If you weren’t being slandered by the corrupted ones, then you’d have to ask if you were doing a good job exposing them. The best recourse you have would be suing for defamation. Wich, would give you exposure, subscriptions on YouTube/Patreon. You are too big to ignore now Mr.Obvious.


Jesus Christ dude.... If there's not a suit yet there will be soon. Out of all the nonsense they've pulled this has got to be the most egregious. This is them saying "yeah, we do whatever we want...and you can't do anything about it". Well it's time. This is beyond not using YouTube. This is bigger than that. We must take action. I'm not sure how other than pooling money together to pay for a lawyer. If you set up a crowd source fund (that won't get shut down) I'll donate. Let us know. For what it's worth dude ..we got you


I'll see what I can do. I've reached out to lawyers in the past but its hard to reach people.


It's crazy because I don't even talk about it, and even when I do I say I thought it was a larp the entire time. It's pure propaganda.


Hi Mr. Obvious. It could be that someone at YouTube made a connection between the type of content you release and the image you use in your videos of the hooded figure with their face blacked out. Q videos often depict this same shadowy figure and talk about Trump related content. I doubt YouTube employees actually listen to your entire videos, one probably was just looking for Q related content, saw the beginning of one of your videos, and flagged your channel as Q for future videos.

Sam Mills

😡This is the point in time in which they need to decide what punishment they will or will not invite upon themselves. Google got EXTREMELY ARROGANT when China paid them a TON of money to make a Chinese Google. It got the desire to control into the brains of the world's biggest search engine. Trump is a pretty good hedge God has placed in between the Google and us, the people, but their heckening needs to be complete or they will worm their way out of the punishment. Right now the left is being split between buyers remorse and the weak walls between them and the control they have the hots for. Money or literal control.


YouTube isn't interested in fairness or accuracy. They never were, really, and always placed advertisers above creators. The difference now is the advent of cancel culture and the unfortunate reality that YouTube is run by a leftist fruitcake (aka socialist ideologue and yes, I'm looking at you, Susan.)


The remarkable part of all this is how Susan Wocjiki took the side of the far left, squandered the incredible brand loyalty YouTube had earned among creators and users alike in the process. Thanks to her ideology, YouTube has alienated many of the best and most popular content creators, and induced a mass exodus to alt-tech. The real question is this: why is she still in charge?<br><br>Oh, right. She's a leftist fruitcake.


Mr. O here is Bill Richmond's number MAIN: 214.559.2700 he is your best bet. Don't know his cost but he does beat the pants off of YouTube (They hate him). I know he has helped so many on this platform. I really hope this and He can help.


I think there is power in numbers! Finding other creators who are being targeted like you and joining forces with them makes you all stronger! This absolutely sucks, and I'm truly sorry! Alt Tech is the ultimate answer, I really believe! If the people tune in, the advertiser money will follow! If my favorite creators aren't making money on YouTube, I'll watch their videos on whatever Alt Tech platform they post on. The only reason I watch on YT is to support people for the views and their ad revenue. I watch you on Bitchute. Why should I give YouTube the time or views if they ain't paying you? Keep the faith Honey, and fight like hell! If we don't fight this crap, we're all done for! It's time for We the People to take back the power! 💙🇺🇸💙🙏🇺🇸🙏💙🇺🇸💙




We the people of Earth need to eradicate the evil and corrupt from these lands permanently.


I see these on lots of conservative commentators who speak nothing of Q anon in their videos.


Your discord needs policed. The amount of pure racism and immature behavior is setting a bad example.


i will second @Srdjana. your discord is not good.


i agree


I try to promote free speech, but lately I have been getting a little stricter. You have to understand most people are just shitposting. Basically shouldn't take it all seriously.