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Lately I've been thinking we live in some very scary times, when Trump was almost murdered and people like Destiny began saying those things something inside me snapped. It had been brewing since all that time ago when YouTube nuked my channel with two strikes one after the other. This caused a staggering ban that wouldn't let me upload for 4-5 months. I took some time off to address my health problems. I'll be honest with you. I did not solve those health problems. But fuck it! Times are too dangerous to worry about health (although I will continue to work on to be clear). I am sorry for being gone so long, although half of it was out of my hands. Thank you everyone for your support as always.

I'm thinking of sharing my thoughts/short essays on patreon from time to time about different things, almost like a journal but more so to tell you what I am thinking or feeling about things or analysis. There's a lot I cannot/don't get to in videos. Not sure if people like the idea. My writing could be bad! Let's wait and see.

If you haven't already subscribe to the 2nd channel, much more lighthearted content will go there, movies, tv shows, video games, anime, gameplay etc. In time I hope it grows! For now I think I will have my hands full between my personal life and videos for both channels but I will try to do more! I didn't sleep today! Not good. But I'll do so from now on. (I'm trying to fix my circadian rhythm)


Anyhow I hope everyone is well! These are scary times but in such trying times we can find solace in our friends family and dear ones. For me it is my friends, my gf, and my cat, Nala.

Much Love




New video today, Microsoft Update Crashes 1 Billion Computers!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGxTEmnGX9k



Great to see you back and not missing a beat!