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Well, you've been throw on the kitchen bench and a blood hungry vampire is about to take you. What can you do? Nothing! Now enjoy being play-meat for a little bit, he'll bring you all the pleasure you need~


Tags: Vampire Speaker, Dom Speaker, British(?), Thrall Listener, Blood Sucking, Taunting, Power Play, Overpowering, Taking What I Want, Tear Clothes Off, Oral, Kissing, Servitude, Cock Sucking, Forcing Cock Down Throat, Obedience, Pinning You Down, Marking You, Biting, Bloodlust, Penetration, Fucking, Name Calling, Fighting Back, Taking Control, Choking, Bite And Drink From Me, Creampie, You Didn’t Know?, Kind Of Aftercare?

I think I lost my mind when I was making this? Idk if I got too into it or just delved into some different realm and came out with a finished recording. But I was certainly on something haha

I actually wanna talk about the tedium of the editing process a bit. Now this portion isn’t actually about the editing, rather what I get up to during it. I am the most distractible human on the planet. I stopped editing multiple times to: take a break, grab a snack, listen to the Yakuza soundtracks, play a game for a bit, talk to family, eat another snack, nap, snack, talk, YouTube watching and finally finish editing. There was a shit load of jerking off between there but we don’t need to show off how much of a gooner I am :)

Also it's a Friday night and I am going to be hanging with friends, I may have started pre-drinks at home before hand. Soooooooooooooo I was editing while d̶r̶u̶n̶k̶ TIPSY, while I was tipsy~

Love you all, thank you for being the fucking best <3<3<3<3


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