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A very not smart but extremely loveable and cute wolfboy has been struggling in the grocery store for about 10 minutes. You've had glances at him but nothing more, however you're about to go into the same aisle as him, let's see how that goes...

This is PART 1 of 2 PARTS

"Content Coming Soon™" Shy will be rebranding to "Idiot", thank you for your patience. Turns out soon meant over two weeks. I am extremely sorry folks, I got super sick and while I couldn't record I really tried to develop a new style in how I tell the stories I write, while this is my first test run on this style I am not sure how long I could keep it going. It was VERY overwhelming to try make all these sounds and effects work haha, BUT I think it came out amazingly. This dork of a subby subby subby boy might be competing for one of my favourite characters and this all came from a dumb little idea. I hope you all enjoy him as much as I do, and with what comes in the second part? Ohhhh, you'll come to love this doofus like nothing else >:D

That being said, I am going to try make as much of last months content and this months within the final two weeks. It'll be a squeeze, but god damn I owe it to you all!!!!


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