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Hiya folks, hope you're all doing well. Don't worry too much about the title, but it's more just straight to the point. I'm currently still adjusting with my new life schedule and I've very heavily struggle with the ludicrous amount of content I'm pumping out.

I am at school full time now, so I have significantly less time then I did before. As such I'll be adjusting the amount of content I'm putting out.

HOWEVER I won't change the amount Patreon Audios, they are my priority. Building a back catalogue to rely on is my primary goal, doing that with the amount of time I have now is unfeasible.

What the new schedule will look like:

7th -> YouTube + Patreon

10th -> Random

14th -> YouTube + Patreon

21st -> YouTube + Patreon

24th -> Random

28th -> YouTube + Patreon

I hate this more then anyone. I fucking love making content, but I need to prioritize my health and stretching myself to 5 hours sleep a day to get all this done isn't good. It will result in poor quality content and neither you or I are happy with that.

Now to wrap that all up, I will TRY to get the first part of the Librarian out tonight. It's late and I have school tomorrow but I need to get something out. Now the second part is hopefully out the day after. Who knows though.

March Schedule will come out tomorrow as well.

I hope you all have an incredible day/night! Thank you all for your support, it helps me out immensely! When I get to school holidays, I'll be able to pump content out and make some incredible things for you all. All the pieces are moving into place, and I hope you all love whats to come! 


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