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Holy smokes, it's our final Nexus episode of 2023!

First up on TOS, it's the kinda cool, but also creepy-as-hell episode, "Requiem for Methuselah"! Premiering back on February 14, 1969, this episode has The Big Three trying to get material to make a cure for the ship's space STD outbreak, the villain raising another classic TOS wife/daughter on a remote planet, and Captain Kirk encountering a cucking fetish for the first time! 

Then across space and time on TNG, it's the after school special of an episode, "Suddenly Human." Originally airing back on October 15, 1990, this is a classic Picard Hates Kids episode that also features a feral child, Wesley Crusher hanging out with his space boss on his break, Beverly and Deanna acting as social workers, and Patrick Stewart wearing an incredible exercise outfit at the space gym! 

The Nexus is a WHM podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support our family of shows—we couldn't do it without you! We know you have lots of options for podz and we're super-stoked you chose to spend some time with us—thanks again!

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




That TOS antagonist is basically Vandal Savage

Mark Ibarra

"Requiem" should have turned into a sitcom episode where Kirk loses the rytalin in a billiards game, and Spock shows up with his special Vulcan pool cue to save the day. "My God Jim Boy, he's like a green blooded Uncle Phil!"