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Hi Folks,

It's that time again. Wherein you ask a brief, direct question below and we do our best to answer it in next month's Big Daddy Dispatch! Please be sure to sign your question below with your name and where you're writing from.


Steve from Jersey City



Who do you think is the worst fictional mafia? I think the mafia in Corky Romano is the worst, I can’t imagine them shaking down any shop owners. - Tommy from Philadelphia

Naimah Hakeem

Hi guys love your pod been listening since my first year at university and it’s helped me through so much! Is there a movie that inspired this podcast? Like wow this movie is so good or so bad I have to tell my friends and we have to record it. I think I’ve heard you guys talk about film school also! Is there any movie that stood out during that time as well? Naimah(Na-ee-ma) Alabama

Rutger McKenna

We’ve had Tim Allen, Kurt Russell, Paul Giamatti, Ed Asher and many others play Santa (to varying levels of success, to say the least) - who would you have at the top of your naughty list to see Santa play next and what kind of movie would it be? Rutger from Portland, OR


Hi guys! With the holidays in full swing, what is a movie that doesn’t take place during the holiday season that you consider a holiday movie? Thank you for all the laughs, Jed from Somerset, KY

Ruben Aguilar

Better Xmas movie go or kiss kiss bang bang. Ruben from Whittier CA...home of Hill valley High n Eric stoltz

The Commodore

Who is the best actor/actress that transitioned to a director?