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“One of the worst things you could say to a priest is that their mother is in Hell!” - Andrew

On this month’s SPOOKTACULAR We ❤️ Movies episode, the guys are chatting about the terrifying, stone-cold classic, William Friedkin’s The Exorcist! How amazingly eerie is the vibe throughout this entire film? Should Georgetown put a guardrail at the top of those stairs? What are the odds Friedkin cast an eventual murderer as that medical technician? And who wouldn’t want to go see a movie with Lee J. Cobb? PLUS: Chris MacNeil’s ex-husband very much doesn’t believe all this possession nonsense!

The Exorcist stars Ellen Burstyn, Linda Blair, Jason Miller, Lee J. Cobb, Kitty Winn, Jack MacGowran, William O’Malley, Rudolf Schündler, and Max von Sydow as Father Merrin; directed by the late, great William Friedkin.

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Arthur martinez

Did you guys ever see the episode of dinosaurs where they did a spoof of this movie


Baby: *head rotates 360 degrees* I love you, daddy. Earl: DO something!! We're losing him!! ROFL

Todd B

A bit late to the party, admittedly - but re: Steve's point about the novel expanding on the church desecration -- It's been years since I read it (I had a banged up paperback in high school that I put a lot of proverbial miles on), but memory serves, that winds up getting tied back into the main storyline - during the scene where Kinderman is talking with Chris, he takes a look at one of Regan's sculptures and discretely scrapes a bit of paint off. The paint turns out to be a match for the one used in the church incident. The film is pretty damn faithful overall, the only prominent cuts I remember are more matters of keeping things tight than anything else. The one other big change being a subplot where Kinderman suspects Karl was behind Dennings's death. There's some back and forth as Karl seems suspicious before it turns out that's just because he and his wife have been taking care of their recovering addict daughter. (Again, I might have the details a bit off, like I said, it's been years.)

Kate Lampe

I went and watched this at the movies last night for Halloween. It still scares the bejesus out of me but I did find myself having a good chuckle at times thinking about Pazuzu bucks and watching Kinderman tackle those stairs...