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Hi Folks,

It's that time again. Wherein you ask a brief, direct question below and we do our best to answer it in this month's Big Daddy Dispatch! Please be sure to sign your question below with your name and where you're writing from.


Steve from Jersey City



Use of deaging tech versus different actors for different periods of life within the same movie? Daniel from Seattle.


Your summer blockbuster series is right around the corner. In your opinion, what's the key to making a good blockbuster? Kevin from Seattle

Kevin Lynch

What’s your favorite movie tagline? Kevin from the Cape


How you gonna go corn doggin when you know you got friend? Mike from Jersey

Tala Hobballah

Hi WHM gang! What's a movie (or movies) where they had no business being as good as they were? For example, going into something with little to no expectations and being floored leaving the theater. Have a great week! Tala from Murfreesboro, TN


Which fictional diner would you love to dine in? -Paul Sevilla SF Bay Area

Mark F

If The Nexus or Gleep Glossary came to a natural end, what is another series/franchise you would like to do a deep dive on?


If you had to wear a single film characters costume in day-to-day life ? Who would you choose and why? Mike from far Rockaway


Any advice for watching older movies? Let’s say 1970’s and older. I had a hard time watching Marnie with Sean Connery recently because I felt the pacing was slow. -Scott from Walnut Creek, CA


I know you guys like to say “it’s okay to like a movie,” but are there any movies that are an exception to that rule? movies that you personally hate so much you can’t justify anyone enjoying it? -Elane from Alabama

Dennis C

Has anyone seen the Gene Roddenberry written "Pretty Maids in a Row" from 1971? It's definetely a Side-Order of Sleeze movie. - Dennis from Montreal


Are there movies you’ve done as WHM episodes that you still find yourself revisiting after the watching them for the episodes? What are some of your favorite rewatches? Brandon from Long Island


Any plans to do a live show in Minneapolis? - James


Any chance you guys will do a commentary on the documentary “Zoo?” Efren from California.


What is one piece of art/literature/media that you can say made you better at understanding film and narrative? Bonus question: top 3 explosions in the Cannon catalogue? - Tim, Seattle WA


With Air as the latest prestigious installment in the growing Business Biopic genre, what product or company do you want to see immortalized next as a feature film? - Alan in Dalton, PA


I just joined the 4k team with a TV and 4k Blu Ray Player. What are some must have classic B&W (or color say pre-1970's) 4k releases? I bought the Criterion "Double Indemnity" combo pack a year ago when it came out and just watched the 4k disc and thoroughly enjoyed it (even though I've seen it at least 5 times before). I've been eyeing up the Hitchcock collection (HUGE fan of Vertigo and Rear Window) and Criterion Citizen Kane of course. -Keith in Baltimore

Vincent Guereca

Is "Hey man, the projector broken" from a specific movie or something or was it just part of yours and Andrew's life? - Vincent from Anaheim

Ross Tyrie

As a child of the 80s I lament the passing of the buddy cop genre. What, if any, genres or specific types of movies do you guys miss in the 2020s. Ross from Kilmarnock, Scotland.


I rewatched Peter Jackson’s King Kong in advance of your event. Since then I have been thinking about Adrien Brody’s acting career. Would you all pontificate on his strengths, limitations and career trajectory? I find him super watchable and his face wonderfully expressive, which makes him a fine film actor.

Justin Shaw

Jai Courtney is back home in Australia hosting some vapid survivor type game show. D’you think Werner Herzog has phoned him to ask “Vaht ze hell happened, Jai? Ve nearly kilt Tom Cruise together ???” Justin in Australia

Sean McCann

Your podcast episode on Anaconda and the way Jon Voight pronounced the word babies with that weird Peruvian or Belgian accent made me wonder what are some other bad, weird, cringe inducing, or skin crawling accents by actors on film? ---Sean from Buffalo, NY