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Hello Loyal Patreon Subscriber,

We have an amazing live show coming up TOMORROW NIGHT at 9PM EST on Peter Jackson's Bush-Era update of King Kong! You do not want to miss this show where we revisit Jackson's Lord of the Rings follow-up. Join us as we explore such scintillating questions as...Is this a WHM or a WLM? What on EARTH was old PJ thinking with those natives?  Was this the apex of Naomi Watts' career? Were Jimmy and Mr. Hayes in love? Who cares about Jimmy and Mr. Hayes? Can there be less of Jimmy and Mr. Hayes? Spoiler alert, the answer to the last one is NO. There will never be less of Jimmy and Mr. Hayes.

Speaking of questions, there's also going to be an After Party, where we'll be answering some listener questions telling some more jokes and just having a good old fashioned 4/20 flavored (WINK WINK) hang! All you need to do is head over Momenthouse.com/wehatemovies and grab your tickets! The cool thing is the show is LIVE, but you can still stream it for seven days after it airs, in case you can't make it or if you have work or if possibly you're besieged by a gaggle of flesh eating penis shaped insects!

This is a fantastic way to experience WHM Live without having to leave your house! 

Andrew, Chris, Eric, and Steve
We Hate Movies

Banner Art/We Hate Movies: King Kong Live Show Logo all by the incomparable, incredible Felipe Sobreiro


Patrick Fowlow

I wrote a listener letter years ago about my wife having a cathartic weep when we saw this in the theatre. She'd been working on her thesis and was emotional... and as soon as she saw Kong she said to herself, "I'm the ape." At the conclusion of the film she was weeping openly, this continued as the cool person she was trying to befriend took her to the washroom, walked to our car and all through the car ride home. She now laughs about it and we did make a cool friend and we look forward to listening to this show about it!


That sequence in the swamp with the slugs and the bugs disturbed me. I still think about it from time to time. Was it Andy Serkis who got his head slowly sucked by that giant worm? That was disturbing. And that insect-like claw snatching that poor chap into its hole (for an unseen and horrible fate)—that was terrifying. The rest of the movie wasn’t as impactful as that scene in the bug swamp. 🐛🕷️🦟

Lance Flexington

Lol of course there's a wiki about those monstars https://kingkong.fandom.com/wiki/Carnictis

Kate G

That scene legitimately scarred me for a few years as a kid.


After hearing the sad story of the original orangutans' death during the filming of 'Any Which Way You Can', I was reminded of an 80's film starring Matthew Broderick & Helen Hunt called 'Project X' about training chimps to fly for the Air Force. Even if it isn't Ape-ril any more, definitely should be a Stay Tuned.


RIPD to the Kong replay, excellent show 👏🏽would love a youtube clip of the andy serkis method acting at home..