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Recorded at Mothma's Chuckle Hut, Imperial City, Coruscant 4.7.23

On this ape-adjacent edition of the Gleep Glossary, the guys learn all about beloved Ewok hero, Wicket W. Warrick! How cushy were these Ewok tree apartments? How many of these fuzzy little creatures have tasted human flesh? And what's with the worshipping of protocol droids, but Ewoks have no love for the astromechs? PLUS: We'd all eat a delicious little Keebler elf, right folks?  

Gleep Glossary: A Star Wars Story is a show where the guys try to honor the history and legacy of SW characters, most of whom we've been told don't matter anymore!

Thank you for continuing to support this weird, wild adventure we're on! You make this all possible!

Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Tweet Joe Self

I didn’t know that the WILLOW tv show was short lived.


That was a disturbing listen. Great job.

Kevin Lynch

I believe I heard somewhere that Yaddle speaks in a normal “English” cadence and calls out Yoda for being a pretentious dick. Kevin from The Cape

Happy Birthtime!

You are absolutely fine to not watch that Willow show, it was not at all good

Garrett Dryden

This has quickly become my favorite part of the feed "cut you open and fuck the hole"

Leesha Olivier

I can see all of this happening on an old Merv Griffin set, like on Seinfeld. " Up next, we have a bull rancor. . . " Babu Frick screams 😱

Tim O'Connor

"A pretentious dick, he called me! To the barbecue, not invited he is!"

Eren Keskin

How did Wicket crossed the road? 'E-WOKKED! I'll see myself out


Baby Yoda will talk like Baby Sinclair

James C Harris

What the hell did I just listen to?

Hard To Gwil

Guaranteed an Ewok has taken a shit in the front seat of an AT-ST before, they're totally just space apes. Awesome episode

Zora McBride

"are they booing me?" "They're booing somebody!" ... "No, I meant to hit clap, actually," ... Are you telling me there's some deception going on here? That this so-called audience is somehow something less than real butts in real seats? For shame sirs!