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On this month's very special We Love Movies episode, the guys are chatting about one of the all-time great film comedies—and yes, it's certainly a comedy—Ghostbusters! How much of a drag is it to learn that Winston's role was originally much larger? Are there ghosts causing mischief outside the five boroughs or is it just NYC's problem? Whose idea was the ghost beej? And how dreadful does this new one look? PLUS: How much of a nuisance is Louis Tully at those tenant board meetings?

Ghostbusters stars Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts, William Atherton, David Margulies, and Jordan Charney as Hey! Dean Yeager!; directed by Ivan Reitman.

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Original cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




I heard a video essay once that theorized that this movie has a pro-Libertarian voice and now I can't unsee it.


There was only two things about the female ghostbusters movie I didn't like and that was Bill Murrays sceptic character not coming back as a ghost (seemed like the best joke for that character) and the musical bit being cut from the movie and moved to the credits ( the scenes around where its meant to be end up a weird jump cut without it) over than that I liked it.

Andrew Bowers

The need for standing up for this new movie in here is embarrassing. Also the endless regurgitation of IP isn’t just for the kids. It’s aimed at us, and it’s more than okay to rip on how shameless and uncreative 95% of Hollywood is. Enjoy the episode people, your franchises will keep churning out the same old shit. Not even the grand power of 4 guys talking about movies can stop that. Unless perhaps they say “Do not worry about ___”

Eren Keskin

Fun fact: That library ghost was designed by the horror comic book legend Bernie Wrightson.

Eren Keskin

Bustin' makes me feel good.

Michael Daniels

Public service announcement: The Ghostbusters video game, which features all the original cast besides Moranis and was written using Ramis's and Akroyd's work on Ghostbuster 3's unmade script (they also have writing credits but I dunno how much they actively wrote) is available digitally on Xbox and Playstation. If you want an "authentic" Ghostbusters movie, whatever that means, this is it.


They barely talk about the movie

John Locke

You guys have now made me want to watch the new Ghostbusters movie. It's going to be a beautiful train wreck.


Hey Andrew in 6th Day you were thinking of America that uses blankets to pretend stock is there when it isn’t. Get your white American head out of your ass and stop lying about nations you have no clue about

Drew Stewart

The “Tobin’s Spirit Guide” is a franchise tie-in, the entries are all from the first two movies, the video game, and the IDW comic.


Turn down the ads volume on the main feed OW MY FREAKIN EARS


Note: Winston is actually the first to be asked if he's ok. Ray asks him before the come out from hiding.

Mark D Myers

The only places that should be getting new Ghostbusters products are the toy store and the comic shop.


How the subject of ghost YouTube could be discussed and nobody said Boo-Tube is beyond me.