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Hey Folks,

Here I am, the end of the month and my hand is out again...for your Mailbag Reject Question for the Big Daddy Dispatch! The way this works is you ask us a brief, direct question in the comments below and we choose one to answer in June's Big Daddy Dispatch!

Please remember to sign your name as you'd like it to appear and where you're writing us from! 


Steve From Jersey City (Do what I do folks!)



Can you each of you guys create a top ten list of your favorite movie soundtrack songs, much appreciated. Pablo / Los Angeles

Michael Cole

Making it a personal goal of mine to watch every AFI top 100 movie. What movie(s) do you think should be in there as well as what ones would you take out to replace it with? - Dan from Wisconsin

Daniel Hood

Thinking back to the mailbag where action figures were mentioned, what was your most prized/well-remembered action figure from your childhood? -Daniel from Bowling Green, KY


With movie theaters starting to open up again, if you could screen any movie in any theater with any audience, what would you choose and why? - James from Peoria

Mark D Myers

We all have heard of "what are you watching?" But have you had a what are you reading moment? Mark form Portland.


If you could each pick one old-ass actor who you'd choose as a live-in maid/butler, that'd be swell. - Christoph from Ceti Alpha V


Any plans for a WHM on Zack Snyder’s latest schlock and awe zombie movie? Sure to make a number of “Worst of 2021” lists. Ned from SC


My first dvd purchase was Vertical Limit. Do you guys remember your first dvd you ever bought? -Gabriel from Moreno Valley, Ca

Emily Rosen

What's the worst movie you convinced yourself you liked because everyone else in the group liked it too? -Emily in St. Louis


With Father’s Day approaching, I’d be curious to know...if each of you had to cast an actor to play your dad in a film, what actor would you choose and why? For the purposes of this question 1) you can choose any actor, living or dead, and 2) the movie can be set at any point in your dad’s life, so your dad can be portrayed as younger, his current age, or (if you want) older. - Justin from Chicago

David Allen (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 05:04:52 One of my favourite cinema experiences was seeing Chuck Jones present fresh prints of classic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts and talk about each one at the Valhalla Cinema in Melbourne in 1990. What was your most memorable screening/Q&A with a director? - David in Halifax
2021-05-27 13:34:30 One of my favourite cinema experiences was seeing Chuck Jones present fresh prints of classic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts and talk about each one at the Valhalla Cinema in Melbourne in 1990. What was your most memorable screening/Q&A with a director? - David in Halifax

One of my favourite cinema experiences was seeing Chuck Jones present fresh prints of classic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts and talk about each one at the Valhalla Cinema in Melbourne in 1990. What was your most memorable screening/Q&A with a director? - David in Halifax

Brynley Andrews

What's a movie you'll defend to the end of earth due to it being one of only a few to represent your niche hobby? For me, it's "Torque" as its one of about three non biker gang motorcycle movies. Bryn, from Perth Western Australia