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On this week's re-cap, it's a conversation about the action-packed, Bosch-heavy episode, "The Heiress"! Directed by Bryce Dallas Howard and written by The Favs, this episode has some great ship-sinking comedy, a Battlestar-related addition to the cast, helmet-less Mandos, an army of squid-faced gleep glops, and Force Lightning suicide capsules! PLUS: "Hey, Bosch!" [#WHMCallbacks]

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The Mandalorian Half-Hour is a WHM show where the guys recap every episode of the Disney+ series, The Mandalorian! Thank you for continuing to be a loyal Patreon subscriber. We couldn't do it without you!

Cover art by the endlessly talented Felipe Sobreiro!



Gunner Taylor

Very excited to listen to this week's installment of The Mandalorian Nine Tenths of an Hour!


I give this “Mandalorian” episode an “A”. I love how Bosch is in the episode. Bosch is in the Star Wars universe!

Andrew Dean

Does Szyszka say “wo-mandalorian” at some point?

Frank Young

Bosch! First thing I thought when I saw him. Looking forward to the CHUD call backs.

Bill Williams

I did not realize Sackhoff was playing a character from the Clone Wars cartoon. I never got into, though I always planned to.


Maybe Grand Admiral Thrawn will show up at some point in later seasons.

Randy Record

When Andrew finishes the Heir to the Empire trilogy, I'd love a discussion between him and Eric about it. I still think it's the best trilogy we got after the OT. Prequels and sequels included.

Bill Williams

I actually really enjoyed Longmire. Doea that mean I'm an old man?

Jake Kroker

In the very first scene of the series, in the bar fight over Horatio Sanz, it is a Quarren that gets cut in half by the sphincter door. Quarren and Mon Calamari come from the same home planet. The Mon Calamari call it Mon Cala, the Quarren call it Dac. The Mon Calamari treat the Quarren as second-class citizens and the Quarren resent it.

Vanessa Bedford

I thought this episode was possibly signaling that Mando is Force sensitive? Could be a well trod theory but I thought 1) his piloting skills coming into the port without using the computer was similar to Luke’s taking the Death Star without the computer and that his great piloting is similar to how being a good at piloting signals Force sensitivity like Dameron and that wretched young Anakin; 2) some of his escapes this season could be tapping into unused Force potential, so he destroys the dragon without baby Yoda’s help (unlike the mud horn) bc the powers are awakening and 3) the bond with baby Yoda is a result of like recognizing like in a way and the Child’s presence is stirring the potential awake. That could also be how the Mandalorians and the Jedi build a bridge such that in the end, if he is the ruler of Mandalore, the two sides are no longer at war (so Jon Snow, kind of).

Lynne Olson

Isn't Mando's armor unique to him? They made it out of the payment Herzog's character gave him in the first season didn't they?..and Herzog said that it was incredibly hard to come by? Did I have too many tall glasses of water that first season, or am I remembering that right?


i love that when mando is in port no one cares, but eight minutes into conversation 20 % of people go full out mandalorian crush /fanboy

Scott Farmer

A very entertaining episode of the Mandalorian, and a very entertaining episode of the Mandalorian Half-Hour! This is an episode in which I was glad that you guys haven't ever delved into The Clone Wars and other offerings in the greater Star Wars canon. As an avid consumer of all content Star Wars-related, I was a little nervous going into this season of the show, after having read all the rumors about bringing in these characters from the animated shows. After all, this show has been connecting with fans of Star Wars across the gambit and had a pretty confined perspective thus far. So I worried that introducing these previously established elements might take away from the Mando and the Child, or cause the show to become too reliant on giving us nerds the thrill of elbowing our girlfriends and going, "That's Bo Katan, hunny! Her sister was the Duchess of Mandalore!" I said that in the voice that Steve gives his young, lonely, pudgy self. But yeah, I basically shared Eric's trepidations going into this episode. But honestly, after watching it, I feel like Andrew: its good! Bo Katan's appearance was natural, and added depth to the Mando's character development. It serviced the story, as does opening up the greater galaxy to our hero. The fact that Andrew watched this knowing nothing about any of the characters, but picked up the beats and appreciated and enjoyed these characters in this episode, was very reassuring. So yeah, I hope Eric eventually finds his comfort zone with all this. The Mandalorian Half Hour had me chortling today, especially the jokes about Mando's orthodoxy. Get the sheet lol. Keep that beautiful "boomer energy" coming, guys! :D

Andrew Dean

Yes but all Mandalorians have armour that is unique to them made from the same metal

Alexander Farr

I always viewed this show as more of a series of Star Wars fables. Like a bunch of Gleep-Glops sitting around and saying, 'did you ever hear the story of the Mandalorian and the marshal?' Which was in keeping with the 'the stories we tell' theme that force awakens set up, the last jedi continued to pay off, and RoS completely dropped. If the larger story that this show is telling is 'the story about the Mandalorian who took back Madalore' then ok, I guess. As long as they pepper in the bounty hunter chronicles here and there I'm on board for really whatever.

Justin Robinson

Eric always has the worst Old Man Star Wars opinions and I love him for it. (I was born before Empire Strikes Back)

Christian Gavey

Eric, I'm older than you, and I feel you missed the mark on this.

M dS

Might be wrong but I feel Boca Raton and company are not wearing beskar as it was all stolen by the empire, which makes Mando's armour even more striking/valuable.

M dS

Well, they *used* to have it, before The Purge/the Empire stole all their Beskar and took over Mandalore no? Might not be the case at this point in time in the show 🤔 I am no Eric so could very well be wrong lol

Brendan Gilbert

Totally with Eric on this one. I don't need all the EU connections. It feels like the show is stepping towards becoming the Agents of Shield for the Star Wars Universe. Don't need it.

Andrew Dean

Mandalorians either still have their personal beskar armour or are dead. The issue is that a lot of them are dead


There's an egg controversy? This really reinforces my position that engaging with the SW fandom isn't worth anyone's time. I've found SW is a pretty enjoyable IP if you dodge the community and don't bother with SW journalism and the bulk of fan media I've really enjoyed The Mandalorian