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On this month's edition of The Nexus, the gang deems it a no-contest win for TNG as they cover two Trek 'sodes—one hilarious, one historic! 

First on TOS, it's the age-make-up-tastic "The Deadly Years." Originally airing December 8, 1967, this episode features Chekhov getting spooked by a dead body; Kirk, Bones, Spock, Scotty, and some nobodies aging rapidly, Kirk losing his mind in a sea of paranoia, and some sub-Jackass levels of age make-up! 

Then on TNG, it's the landmark episode, "Q Who"! Originally airing May 6, 1989, this episode chronicles the Enterprise D's first encounter with franchise villains, the Borg! Marvel at the early Borg costumes, laugh at the dead Borg leaving a massive stain on the ship's rug, and be sure to notice the totally awesome matte painting made for the Borg cube's interior! PLUS: A heaping helping of two series legends: John de Lancie and Whoopi Goldberg!

WHM is donating 100% of our 2020 merch income to causes  fighting for racial justice. For more information on how you can pitch  in, head over to our website.

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing known as WHM! We couldn't do it without you! 

Cover art by the endlessly talented Felipe Sobreiro.



Alexander Farr

This episode came at just the right time for me. It's been a rough month. Also excited that we're finally hitting a good stride on TNG. The steady increase in season by season quality only goes up from here. Still some awful things coming (sadly, like 6-8 Deanna episodes are about her being mind violated) but 'we're coming to the good stuff!' that last sentence was in quotes because it's supposed to be read in Cabin's Picard voice.

Frank Grimes

You're correct, Voyager went for the Borg kids then adopted them. Minor Picard Spoilers, but Icheb, the reformed Borg, Seven cries over after he's killed was one of the children the crew adopted in that borg children episode. Too bad it wasn't the same actor, though.