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On this month's journey into the Nexus, the gang is chatting about two pretty different episodes of Trek!

First up on TOS, it's the action-packed episode, "Friday's Child"! Originally airing December 1st, 1967, this episode features Scotty taking command of the Enterprise, Kirk and Spock stockpiling bows and arrows, and Bones helping Catwoman give birth!

Then on TNG, it's the Wesley-tastic episode, "Pen Pals"! Originally airing April 29th, 1989, this episode features Data shattering the Prime Directive, Picard trying to ride a holographic horse, and Wesley being assigned his first command—oh, who could possibly care?! Nikki Cox also guest stars.

WHM is donating 100% of our 2020 merch income to causes  fighting for racial justice. For more information on how you can pitch  in, head over to our website.

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing known as WHM! We couldn't do it without you! 

Cover art by the endlessly talented Felipe Sobreiro.



Scott Ferris

Fentanyl can make you uncontrollably itchy.


“Friday’s Child” is outrageous. It’s like that episode’s on cocaine or something.

Cassandra Wladyslava

Chances are you’ve Googled it...but Peter Jacobson. Edit: I actually really liked Hunters. It has a good few “WTF?!” moments. I laughed, I cried, I gasped, I noticed a Taxi reference that was both subtle and not subtle (Not talking about the Judd Hirsch cameo). It was fun. Plus it has a really stupid twist.


Problematic. Even by Star Trek standards.

Tweet Joe Self

The crew signing nu metal shall never get old!

Felipe Sobreiro

Yes, IDW publishes Star Trek comics. I know because I'm working in one 🤫

Joe Cooley

Nothing better than Bones quoting Primus lyrics. 🤣

Cassandra Wladyslava

Not just you. Dude looks nothing like Tony Shaloub. Speaking of which, dude looks like he’s hardly aged since Monk.