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On this week's Star Trek: Picard re-cap, the gang hurtles toward the end of a so-so first season with a chat about the awesome eighth episode, "Broken Pieces!" Can someone please find something for poor Elnor to do? How totally bad ass was Seven when she commandeered the Borg cube like that? Wow, should they have done that wild Romulan insanity ceremony around so many jagged rocks? And three cheers for finally revealing details that would've better served your show had they not been kept secret for the entire season for no reason! PLUS: Just look at that glorious airlocking move!

Making It So is a Star Trek: Picard recap show available exclusively to you, the totally awesome WHM Patreon subscriber! Thanks for your support and enjoy!

Cover art by the legendary Felipe Sobreiro.




This episode is like 75% exposition and 25% action. I had to rewind several times just to keep up with all the explanations. It’s like, so the Zhat Vash saw the Admonition and the Tal Shiar is working with the Zhat Vash to kill the synths and stop The Destroyer who’s really Boo Boo Bloomberg who wants to put the kibosh on the borg pods and the Tide pods and whatever the fuck.

Alexander Farr

Chabon is a phenomenal author. I think he even did the story outline or the first draft of Spider-Man 2 so I know he's capable of writing for other mediums but this show seems amateurish in it's storytelling and it's mysteries. The beats themselves feel ok to me but when they're placed together like this I am left with zero connection to these characters and waning interest in seeing where it goes.