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On this month's journey into the magic ribbon known as The Nexus, the gang is chatting about two Trek episodes that may, at first, seem totally unrelated, but when you boil it down, they're both pretty dumb!

First, over on TOS, it's the season two episode, "The Changeling," which originally aired September 29th, 1967. Here, we've got a super-silly talking probe, Uhura annoyingly singing at work, and Scotty being resurrected from the dead!

Then, over on TNG, it's the Pulaski-centric nonsense episode, "Unnatural Selection." This episode, which originally aired January 28th, 1989, features some Trek-tastic low-lights like Picard trying to figure out whether to fire Pulaski, tons of people aging super fast, and O'Brien and Geordi using the transporter for some... weird stuff.

PLUS: Check out that killer NOMAD bowling trophy! And watch out for Starfleet's latest firebrand, Lt. Scooch!

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing known as WHM! We can't do it without you! 

Cover art by the endlessly talented Felipe Sobreiro.



Justin Minor

No uhura! English ! not Swahili!

Eric Hoyer

Leave the phaser, take the cannoli


Did you guys say that “Dr. Who” is boring?! You just lost your British listeners and a number of hipster American listeners.

G. T. Blackwell

T-minus 2 episodes until one of my favorites of TNG! Can't wait!

Dan sulin

I’m a nearly 41 year Doctor Who fan. I have fond memories of my Dad letting me stay up late on Sunday night to watch it on PBS as a kid. I was also really into the new series for a while. I recently started watching the classic show again and yeah, it can be boring at times. It’s very slow paced. A marathon would make a great hangover watch

Dan sulin

The next episodes is pretty good too. Honesty for all the shitting on season 2 there are some great episodes here. We are gonna see the Borg soon. Gonna hear about young Picard getting into a bar fight. Get to see Worf hit with pain sticks for fun. And we get to see Riker is an amazingly silly looking American gladiators getup.

Alexander Farr

Cabin's Picard is the gift that keeps giving. I love how he's dismissive, rude, and unsubtly attracted to Data. I've started to go back into old EPs just to hear this raging Id Picard from the beginning. So worth it.


That Measure of a Man? I know we are getting close to it, and I think that is generally considered when the writing starts to turn around