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On this month's journey into that magic ribbon known as The Nexus, the gang is talking about two fairly ridiculous episodes of Trek—but ridiculous for very different reasons! 

First on TOS, it's "Operation - Annihilate!," which originally aired April 13th, 1967. The episode has it all: Shatner wearing a stupid mustache, hilariously cheap jellyfish-looking props, and even some good, old fashioned, Star Trek screaming! 

Then over on TNG, it's "The Outrageous Okona," which originally aired December 10th, 1988. This episode features the Enterprise acting as space AAA for broken down starships, a robot trying to learn stand-up from the most obnoxious person possible, and lots and lots of casual sex! 

PLUS: The gang creates a beloved new TOS character, Scotty's brother, Farty! (Apologies in advance.)

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing! 

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




”Oh look, Mr. Data, another episode of The Nexus. How delightful. Worf, get over here!”


You farts, Spock did had a half-brother... Sybok

Johnny Wrong

😂😂Fartgomery Scott😂😂

Errin Milam

I guess I love Farty -

Justin Robinson

I wish the 5th Star Trek movie had been about Farty and not lame-ass Sybok.


I knew you guys were hilarious but this time I actually laughed 'til I cried. Nailed it!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Justin Eckbledt

I love Farty with all of my heart. I almost had to pull over on the highway. Also, Steve's "in any event"s are probably the highlight of my week.

Amy Diaz

I love Farty!!!!

Clifton Jewett

Farty look liek AND smel liek Shrek

Jeremy Thomas

Michael Burnham is Spock's sister. Which Bones would assume would be Spock's brother because of her name until he met her. And then Bones would blame Spock for not telling him his brother was really a sister, which Spock did tell him numerous times, but Bones couldn't get past the male name Michael. After Bones meets Michael he'll walk away humming the 1992 seminal song by King Missile "Detachable Penis." (See what I did there with the word "seminal").

Cassandra Wladyslava

Who’d ever guess one of the funniest bits would involve creating a character named Farty who farts on command all the time. 😂


In accordance with Eric's wishes, I love Farty

Timothy Cameron Robbins Miller

Uh, yeah, about the candle thing, measurements of light are standardized to candles per square inch. And you get 12 candles per square inch to a footcandle, which is an actual unit. So he should say 83,333 footcandles. The other normal measures of light are smaller, so unless we invent a new one for brightness, footcandle is the right one to use.