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On this month's trip into The Nexus, the gang is chatting about two historic episodes of Trek—one famous for introducing Klingons to the canon, the other for firing a beloved cast member! 

First on TOS, it's the next entry in the endless first season, "Errand of Mercy," which originally aired March 23rd, 1967. It's famous for introducing Klingons to the Trek universe, utilizing sad hand-me-down Robin Hood sets, and starting a big war! 

Then over on TNG, it's the first episode of the dreaded second season, "The Child," which originally aired November 19th, 1988. This episode features such wrong turns as Doctor Pulaski, an uncomfortable pregnancy story line, and an emotional Wesley Crusher! But extra bonus Trek history points for introducing The Whoopster as Guinan!

PLUS: Who could forget Fresca's original slogan, "Drink me, if you dare!"

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support this weird thing! 

Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



Winson Paine

Eric Szyszka's new family style Greek Yogurt Chicken!

Felipe Sobreiro

I love Beverly but I think you guys will eventually enjoy Pulaski, she’s like a Lady Bones in a way

Felipe Sobreiro

Haha nevermind, I’m listening and Andrew himself describes her as Lady Bones

Dan sulin

So where is the poll to vote for “The Nexus only for Battlestar Galactica”! I’d throw more money at you guys for that one!

Blake Jordan

Maybe we become the Borg.


Great episode!

John Harrison

I'm a Pulaski defender in a way, she's the first but of interpersonal conflict we have on the crew, something sorely lacking in the first season. Also I was a bit surprised to hear that some people were suggesting skipping the second season, it has some real good episodes. But also, if you've soldiered through season 1,then season 2 is a cake walk.

Winson Paine

She tried her best, but a lot of time she seemed like she was being written to be hated. Whenever the rest of the crew was racist or shitty or whatever (Guinan with the pet borg they got, OBrien w/ Cardassians, whatever) they always got an angle as to why they were being shitty or some perspective on the character. Pulaski is just written to be shitty to Data with no backside when no one else on the show is, or at least when people on the show are they are unequivocal dicks or crooked or whatever. It makes me wonder if some of them resented her taking McFadden's job or something

Johnny Wrong

10Forward is the position on the ship.

Nathaniel Todd

Yeah, I think that's more or less my feelings on the subject. Like, they were clearly trying to do a bones v spock thing with her dynamic, but when bones was shitty to spock it was usually a setup for a sick burn from spock. When it's being done to a character that's got no concept of humor, it just feels mean.

Bill Cooke

We had a family fan theory that the puppies came out of the replicator and got shoved back in at the end of class

Three of Swords

The way they explain the change in Klingon appearance is they looked all ridgey, then were given some life-saving treatment that introduced Human DNA making them look like Mongolians, and then if they live long enough, the effect dissipates. DS9 Episode: Blood Oath brings back John "This Episode" Colicos as Kor, William "Trelane" Campbell as Koloth, and Michael "Batman: TAS's Mr. Freeze"Ansara as Kang.

Sarah Nichols

I’m years late but story of my life I would pay SO MUCH FOR MORE MONEY FOR THE NEXUS VERSION OF BATTLESTAR. Ahem. So say we all.