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On this month's all-new episode of The Nexus, the gang chats about some totally Trek-tastic episodes, including the TOS legal thriller, "Court Martial"! Originally airing February 2nd, 1967, this episode features Kirk testifying for an extended period of time, Bones going after girls Kirk has already been with, and another crooked Irishman! PLUS: What the hell is a Vulcanian? 

Then over on TNG, the gang is talking about "Arsenal of Freedom"! Originally airing, April 9th, 1988, this episode showcases such classic elements like Picard getting upset at a recorded message, a cheap robot puppet that murdered a whole planet's worth of people, and a too short appearance by legendary character actor, Vincent Schiavelli! PLUS: Bev gets buried in cat litter! 

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time. Thank you so much for continuing to support our Patreon! You all make it worth it! Cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



J. Tuna Ferrari Vineyard

I love the hard-ass Spock the guys have created! "I'm Captain now bitch!"


New to the super fan patreon level...and I can't believe you bastards have got me started watching TOS. Probably only watched a combined of 5 minutes of Trek in my life and now look at me. Damn it