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On this journey into the Nexus, the gang drives into the TOS universe with a discussion of the incredibly boring episode, "Dagger of the Mind." Originally airing on November 3rd, 1966, the episode features such mind-blowing elements like a madman running around the Enterprise while looking like Jack Klugman, Kirk being attracted to a doctor he hit on at an Enterprise Christmas party, and a sexy brain wiping machine that Kirk gets strapped into!

Then, over on TNG, wedding bells are ringing for Troi and the dude Prison Break, in the episode, "Haven." Originally airing November 28th, 1987, this episode shows Patrick Stewart doing solid physical comedy, Picard being debased by Lwaxana Troi, and Riker watching hologram pornography! 

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time; cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.



the smoking dad

I appreciate the fact that you guys are sticking to the Jesus "Whistlin' Hands" Christ bit

Alex Emery

It reminded me of Night Chills by Dean Koontz. The only difference was at the end I didn't go "mom, what does **** mean?" That episode was dumb as sin. I hope Chekhov bleeds to death somewhere. Is it weird that as a Russian, I hate him? I hate him.