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On this month's venture into the Nexus, the gang hits the TOS universe running with the ridiculous, Children of the Corn-esque episode, "Miri." Originally airing October 27th, 1966, this episode features classic Trek elements like Kirk hitting on young girls, Bones being super racist to Spock, terrifying children played by actors in their late-twenties, gross diseases, and more!

Then over on TNG, it's another classic appearance by the legendary John de Lancie as Q with the sort-of silly, "Hide and Q." Originally airing November 21st, 1987, this episode features Q in Data makeup, Geordie with eyesight, Worf having Klingon sex on the bridge, animal monsters dressed as French soldiers, Picard doing a one-man show, a snake from Super Mario Brios. 2, and more! 

PLUS: Godzilla watches the tape from Ringu!

The Nexus is a We Hate Movies podcast where the guys futilely go through two Star Trek series at the same time; cover art by Felipe Sobreiro.




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