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Hey y'all, we hope you had a stellar weekend! We caught up with some of you on today's On-Screen Live, but for everyone who missed the broadcast, here's what's happening in the WHMu this week:

First up tomorrow, we're officially kicking the stupidly-named Sheenpril month into high-gear as we drop a We Hate Movies episode on the beloved baseball comedy, Major League! Lotta Tom Berenger impressions on this one, but even more impressions of legendary, gravel-voiced character actor, James Gammon! And you can catch this all-new WHM episode AD-FREE right here on Patreon starting at the $8 level!

Then on Thursday, we're keeping the Sheenpril vibes going over on We ❤️ Movies as we chat about the absolutely fantastic Oliver Stone film, Wall Street! Michael Douglas playing a skeeze-ball? Charlie going toe-to-toe with his old man on-camera? Daryl Hannah being totally miscast? All this and much more discussed on this episode, which will be made available to Patreon subscribers at the $5 level & up!

And finally, Friday we close out the week with another episode of our brand-new, top tier, Patreon show, Too Old For This Shit! This series of TOFTS episodes has us covering the first season of the fantastic new show, X-Men '97, and this week we'll be chatting about episode 3, "Fire Made Flesh," which is out right now, and episode 4, "Motendo / Lifedeath - Part 1," which airs this coming Wednesday. Make sure you're caught up on both and then check out this ep on Friday, available to subscribers on the top-level "Walsh" tier.

And that'll bring us right into the weekend! But since we have a few days to go before we can all kick back once again, we hope we can bring some welcomed distraction throughout the week with our programming line-up. As always, we thank you all for being the kick-ass Patreon subscribers that you are!

Have a great week,
Andrew, Chris, Eric & Steve
We Hate Movies


Mark Ibarra

This is one of the best lineups we've ever Sheen.

David Wright

Melro next week then? Damn I did my homework too early