[Audio] Melody Practice (Patreon)
I got a melody stuck in my head this morning so I decided to try and transcribe it onto the guitar.
This one is pretty unstructured; I think I was trying to find a way to make the melody work with my playing style. I had been listening to some Creed albums and that definitely influenced that low D that I was leaning on at the end.
I had the guitar jacked directly into the mixer but I had the Beta58 pointed at the ceiling. I like it when demos have the sounds of the room mixed it so I tend to mix mine like that.
I don't know where these ear-worms come from but sometimes I get these random melodies stuck in my head. I think this one sounds a bit like "Don't Stand So Close To Me" which is odd because I rarely listen to The Police lol.
I've got a pipe dream for the summer of releasing an EP of my music and I've been recording interesting pieces of my practice sessions in the morning.
Hope you guys enjoy these whimsical little things!