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I crashed pretty bad in traffic last Sunday evening. The bike fared much better than I did.

The only the mechanically "wrong" with the bike is that the gear shift lever is bent pretty bad but it's still usable and I managed to ride it home.

The accident was caused by various things, most of them on my part. It was my first ride of the season and I had been on the road for hours at that point. I did some VR early in the morning which always throws my balance off for a day. And the traffic on I-5 was stop-and-go and I was riding in the fast lane. 😬

My lane was getting up to about 35mph when the guy in front of me slammed on his brakes, full-stop. I didn't have the area to stop (even with 1+ car length in front of me) so I swerved and crashed.

I managed to miss his bumper by an inch, so that's good. But I got a concussion, dislocated my shoulder, and legit could not figure out how to turn the bike back on once I got to my feet.

A guy riding a KTM rolled up and came to see if I was okay. He helped slow traffic down so I could get back on the road and rode along side me for a while until I said I was good-to-go.

After talking to some friends and family, I've decided to replace the bike with another that has ABS. We are pretty sure that the front tire locked when I slammed the breaks and that's what actually caused the crash.

I also need better & more visible gear. My bike is black, my helmet is black, and my jacket & gloves are black and silver. I wonder if the guy even knew there was a motorcycle behind him.

Another day or two of lounging around doing nothing and I should be back to ship-shape!


Marquis Davis

Dang, I'm sorry to hear that. Glad to hear you are okay.

Mitchel Valentino

Whoa. That sounds rough. Glad you’re ok. Thanks for the info and rest up!