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I started my relationship with Linode last year when Andrew reached about to me about making a video using Linode's platform. I believe this was sometime after my video about using Ansible on Azure. They set me up an account and gave me a giant credit to use their services for the Egee.io game server stuff.

I've made 3 videos for Linode and they've always great to work with. Their recent requests have been around their new Kubernetes Engine which they are super excited about.

Most of the coding videos I've done in the past have something to do with technologies I am using or working with at the time. Unfortunately for Linode, I'm not doing anything with K8s and won't be any time soon.

I've considered doing a live stream re-writing my Linode infrastructure with Terraform or something. I'm a little iffy about the security concerns though. I'm always paranoid that a secret or something private will leak during a stream, like via a notification or something.

Anyway, I thought you guys might like to hear about how I got started with Linode!



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