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Alright so this one dude on tumblr asked me a comission with Izumi, Fairymon and Ranamon and after sending different sketches gave me the ok to work on it, but after a few hours in asked me to cancel the commission because again he didn't like the sketch. I feel a little bit sorry, because I could have used this time in a different way, also, I was pretty open to change again the pose, but I can assure you guys I was drawing exactly what the commissioner asked me. Too bad I guess.




Dang, sorry your time and effort went unappreciated like that.


It may indeed happen, I just didn't like his attitude of: man, you're working shittier than expected, bye

Jeremiah Theis

I'm so sorry that situation wound up like that. This looks like it was turning out very well regardless, I can't imagine what they didn't like. Oh well.