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Hello everyone, after some thoughts, my Patreon will now be 3 dollars. 3 bucks. 3 pesos. 3 PokeDollars. Anywho, that will be the price going forward for this time being, with all full uncut videos that I’ve been doing. So what about 6 dollar tier? THAT Tier will be for End Credits for many of my videos going forward. I have an example of what that may look like in my update video on Youtube, link attached to this post here: https://youtu.be/gD9wkLi17oU

I explain a bit more in this video, such as when it came to offering tiers with discord, voting polls, etc…Honestly….As of now, I just can’t do it. I rather let EVERYONE vote, and if I ever make a discord, I rather EVERYONE have the opportunity to join.

I want to apologize for the long wait of this price change. I decided to finish last year with the original 6 dollar tier by itself, so I can start anew this year. I hope 3 dollars isn’t too much. I know this won’t instantly get me 120804830483 Patrons either. I know I have to keep working hard. I also know 6 bucks in the long run is expensive for many. If ANYBODY wants to stay in the 6 dollar tier, you may do so, and your name will be credited at the end of my videos going forward. Otherwise, you are free to save your money and go down to 3 dollars, if you decide to stay around. I also have to figure out how many times I will refresh the End Credits shoutout, it might likely be Monthly.

IF THERE IS ANY FEEDBACK you’d like to let me know, let me know. I’m new to this so hopefully things work out.

Thank You.



Hi Noble. I think if you're going with the 'let everybody join in the fun' spirit, I would suggest forgoing the idea of making the end credits $6 exclusive and instead put everyone in the end credits (or maybe stick to having no end-credits). Having $6 patreons in end credits and refreshing it every month makes that extra $3 feel very transactional. And the work that's needed to make it happen can probably be used for something more productive. Those who drop to $3 just because there's is no diffentiation from $6 would probably have dropped even with the end-credits diffentiation anyway. I'd say treat yourself like a busker and let those who can support with $6 support $6, and those who can support with $3 support with $3. In the meantime put your focus on your craft and your output. My 2 cents.


When you say it feels transactional, do you mean as in the patron having to wait for the refresh? I wanted to make sure what you meant. Having both 3 and 6 dollar tier be the exact same is something I am unsure about, where I probably would just remove the 6 dollar tier at that point, knowing the cheaper one is right there. I am uncertain of a few things myself, but with experience I'll hopefully know what would be the right things to do going forward overall.