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finale!! Thank you all! My fav Anime of 2022!



The Baskin Robin bits was too funny. I just wanted to say 'ok' with you lol. and I fell out over the ruby / sapphire rings. I got pokemon sapphire. I kind of always leaned towards water types. (I like Blastoise over Charizard) Spy Family is just a fun show. It has so much going for it, it's hard not to recommend it unless someone is just looking for nonstop action. I think both Loid and Yor both showed moments where they personally cared for each other more than their cover story. Loid was got mad enough to want to punch that interview guy during admissions. Yor couldn't say she would be okay with Loid leaving her for Nightfall. Yes she kicked him because he got too hasty but she doesn't want to lose him either. What were some of your favorite scenes? I know you said episode 24 was great but I'm curious to know what stood out all the episodes you saw. I really liked the scene when Loid decided to let Anya stay with him after he rescued her in episode 1. I also loved when Yor decided she wanted to more of a mom to Anya in the park. Awesome reactions to this series! What's next chief?