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Roses are red, violets are blue...THEY ALL BLACK!?



Glad you're loving the show! I think there's going to be a movie too (not sure if it's this year)


War is necessary... for what? Sometimes I wonder if war is started and justified by people who could have been simple like you and I but was not taught by life to be able to achieve security and fulfillment through simple means. Either that or it's because they're psychopaths who simply like the material gain from war (either through direct conquest or perhaps selling the guns). This is all said in a easy-peace-time context, of course. In hard-times, I believe most people would be for-war against a force/institution that oppresses and threatens their livelihood.


Yea I get lost in who said who, who started what, all of that stuff myself. War has been hard for me to comprehend, with the consequences that can set forth. There are a lot of things that comes with it, the manipulations, submission, and as you said, conquest for power and more gain. And a lot is apparently for the "sake of a nation" so the countless deaths and ptsd survivors were all for that specific cause. A lot of times it is not known whether or not it is a good cause, but rather a cause we are told to fight for. Thank you for commenting Shiyao!!!!